Hi there! My name is Jessica.
Family calls me Jessie, but most friends and folks just call me Jess.
At the time this is being written, I’m approaching the last year of my twenties. And oddly enough, it sure as hell feels like I’m ending a chapter of my life, and starting a new one.
I’ve been half of a whole for half of my life. Now, it’s just me. Just Jess.
And I’ve got a lot to share with the world.
What I do
Reading is like breathing into the mind and soul, and writing is the exhale. I’ve always loved language, particularly the endless ways we can express what we think and how we feel. Since I was young, I’ve loved writing short stories, and poetry, and song lyrics. Now, I want to share a bit of that love with an audience greater than my journal.
At any given moment, you’ll catch me singing or humming a tune. I’ll listen to any and every genre of music, and I can probably name a song or artist 9 out of 10 times. I enrolled in choir throughout all of school, joined a kickass accapella group, and tried out for/particpated in a bunch of musicals and talent shows. I’ve never learned to play an instrument (yet), but I will always and forever sing my heart out.
Life itself is awe inspiring. But, there’s a lot of shit that makes life difficult for a whole lot of people. It’s beautiful to be alive, but it can also be a bitch. I want to make the world a better place and help people open their eyes to the best part of living- right here, right now. The most effective way I’ve learned to keep this journey kick ass, is by being true to myself and giving my best to the world and to the other beings that share it with me. I know I inspire people, because we all inspire each other somehow.
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